英语语法的介词省略现象 您所在的位置:网站首页 spare time前面的介词 英语语法的介词省略现象


2024-07-12 11:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



1. 与spend, have difficulty (trouble, a hard time), waste no time, lose no time等搭配时,in + doing 结构中的介词in 可省略。如:  I spent the whole summer and fall (in) hunting for a job.   我用了整个夏天和秋天来找工作。2. 当in ... way 中way 被限定词 the, this, that等修饰时,介词in可省略。如:  “Jim!” she cried, “don’t look at me (in) that way.”  “吉姆!” 她高声叫道,“不要那样看着我。”3. 与动词choose, elect, name, consider及think of 等连用时,as引导的介词短语作补语,此时的介词as可以省略。如:  We always consider him (as) a respectable senior.  我们总是把他看作是令人尊敬的长者。4. 在 prevent ... from + doing 和 stop ... from + doing的结构中,from可以省略。如:  In many countries, laws have been passed to prevent people (from) killing wild animals.  在很多国家,已经制定了法律来防止人们捕杀野生动物。5. 与某些名词词组连用作时间状语时,for通常可省略。如:  The drought in Chongqing this year lasted (for) two months until the new term began.  重庆今年的干旱持续了两个月,直到新学期开始(才结束)。6. 当表时间的名词或名词词组被last, next, this, that, every, any等修饰时,与它们搭配的介词(in, on, at等)常常省略。如:  You may phone me (at) any moment tomorrow.  你明天任何时候都可以给我打电话。7. 与 age, colour, height, shape, size, use, weight等词连用时,of 往往可以省略。如:  I’d like to buy a pair of gloves for my daughter, a girl (of) her age.  我想给我的女儿——像她这么大年龄的一个女孩——买一双手套。 

介词省略分类 1. 介词on的省略


  I’ll arrive (on) Friday. 我将星期五到。

  See you (on) June 21st. 6月21日见吧。

2. 介词for的省略

  (1) 表示一段时间或距离前的介词有时可省略:

  I lived there (for) ten years. 我在那儿住了10年。

  They walked (for) fifty miles. 他们走了50英里。


  For ten years he lived here. 他在这里住过10年。

  We have not heard from him for a long time.



  I taught her for three years. 我教过她三年。


  (2) 某些结构中表示原因的介词for有时可以省略:

  Pardon me (for) interrupting you.


  We quite envy you (for) your success.


  Please forgive me (for) my fault. 请原谅我的过错。

3. 介词at的省略

  what time前的介词at通常可以省略:

  What time did he leave here? 他是什么时候离开这儿的?

  另外,在“about [around] 时间名词”前的介词at也通常省略:

  He arrived (at) about ten o’clock. 他大约(在)10点钟到的。

  at home 这一短语中的介词at在美国英语中通常省略:

  Let’s stay (at) home this evening. 今晚我们就呆在家里吧。

4. 介词of的省略

  all of, both of, half of 用于带限定词(如my, the, these等)的名词前时,其中的介词of通常可以省略:

  All (of) the students have passed the exam. 所有的学生都考及格了。

  Both (of) my parents are interested in history. 我的父母都对历史感爱好。

  Half (of) the milk had been drunk. 有一半牛奶已被喝了。


  All (Both, Half) of us wanted to leave. 我们大家(俩,有一半人)都想走。

5. 介词from的省略

  在 prevent [stop]…from doing sth(阻止…发生),save…(from) doing sth(免去…做某事)等结构中的介词from通常可以省略:

  The heavy rain prevented him (from) coming. 大雨使他不能来。

  If I can stop them (from) going there, I’ll do it. 要是我能够阻止他们去那里,我会这样做的。

  If you do it tonight, it will save you (from) having to get up early. 你假如今晚做这事,明天早上你就不必早起了。

  【注】在被动语态中from通常不宜省略。另外,在表示类似含义的prohibit…from doing sth 中的from习惯上不省略,而在与此同义的keep…from doing sth中,from则绝不可省略,否则含义不同:

  He kept me from working. 他不让我工作。

  He kept me working. 他要我不停地工作。

6. 连接代词和副词前介词的省略

  在tell, ask, depend, look, certain, clear, sure, idea, decide 等常用词后面,who, which, what, where, whether, how 等引导的从句前面的介词通常可以省略:

  Have you any idea (of) when he will come? 你知道他什么时候来吗?

  I’m not certain (of) what I’m supposed to do. 我不肯定我应该做什么。

  It depends (on) whether you can afford it. 这要看你是否买得起。

  Tell me (about) what he said to you. 告诉我他给你讲了些什么。

  若以上从句被简化为“疑问词 不定式”,其前的介词也可省略:

  I’m not quite clear (about) what to do. 我不很确定要做什么。


  We’re worried about where he is. 我们担心他上什么地方去了。(about不能省)

7. 介词in的省略

  (1) 在 in this way, in that way, in the same way, in another way 等表达中的介词in 通常可以省略:

  Do it (in) this way. 这样做。

  Let me put it (in) another way. 让我用另一种方式解释。

  (2) 许多动名词前的介词in可以省略:

  Be careful (in) crossing the street. 过街道要小心。

  He lost no time (in) answering the question. 他马上就回答了那个问题。

  但若介词 in 出现在句首,则通常不宜省略:

  In crossing the street he was run over. 他在穿过马路时被汽车撞倒。


  be busy (in) doing sth 忙于做某事

  be late (in) doing sth 做某事做晚了或做迟了

  spend money [time] (in) doing sth 花钱(时间)做某事

  waste money [time] (in) doing sth 浪费钱(时间)做某事

  have luck (in) doing sth 做某事时有运气(走运)

  have difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有困难

  have trouble (in) doing sth做某事有困难

  have bother (in) doing sth 做某事费劲

  have a problem (in) doing sth做某事有困难

  have a good time (in) doing sth 做某事很开心

  have a hard time (in) doing sth 做某事很辛劳

  find difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事发现有困难

  There is no difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事没有困难

  There is no use (in) doing sth 做某事没有用

  There is no point (in) doing sth 做某事没有意义







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